Compassionate Inquiry Therapy (CIT) is a revolutionary approach to healing and self-discovery that has gained recognition and popularity in India's mental health landscape. Developed by Dr. Gabor Maté, CIT combines elements of psychotherapy, mindfulness, and compassionate exploration to address the root causes of emotional challenges and negative patterns. In this comprehensive article, we will delve into the world of CIT in India, exploring its transformative potential and the compassionate practitioners who facilitate this journey of healing and self-awareness.

Compassionate Inquiry is a gentle yet powerful therapeutic approach that seeks to uncover the unconscious emotional patterns and traumas that influence our lives. It encourages individuals to explore their inner experiences with kindness and curiosity, fostering a compassionate understanding of the self. The practitioner serves as a skilled guide, holding a safe and non-judgmental space for clients to delve deep into their emotions, beliefs, and memories, illuminating the core issues that underlie their emotional challenges.

Compassionate Inquiry encompasses several core principles that contribute to its transformative potential. One such principle is cultivating compassion and curiosity towards one's inner experiences, creating a safe and non-judgmental space for self-exploration and acceptance. CIT also integrates mindfulness practices, guiding clients to remain present with their emotions and bodily sensations during the inquiry process. By staying in the present moment, individuals can delve deeper into their emotional experiences with clarity and awareness.

Another vital aspect of CIT involves uncovering core beliefs that were shaped by past experiences and continue to influence present emotions and behaviors. By examining these underlying beliefs, clients gain valuable insight into the origins of their emotional challenges and thought patterns. Furthermore, CIT employs a trauma-informed approach, recognizing the impact of past traumas on emotional patterns and addressing them with utmost sensitivity and care. This trauma-informed approach ensures that clients feel safe and supported throughout their healing journey.

A central goal of CIT is to facilitate integration and healing on emotional, psychological, and physical levels. By exploring emotions, beliefs, and memories, CIT aims to help individuals integrate fragmented aspects of themselves, fostering a sense of wholeness and self-awareness. This integration process is instrumental in promoting deep healing, allowing individuals to release emotional wounds and find greater inner harmony. As a holistic therapy, CIT recognizes the interconnectedness of emotional, psychological, and physical well-being, making it a comprehensive approach to personal growth and healing.

The transformative potential of Compassionate Inquiry includes:

  • Healing Emotional Wounds: Therapy helps individuals confront and process emotional wounds and traumas, providing an opportunity for deep healing and emotional release.
  • Understanding Emotional Patterns: By exploring core beliefs and emotional patterns, clients gain insight into their behavioral reactions and can develop healthier coping strategies.
  • Fostering Self-Awareness: CIT enhances self-awareness, allowing individuals to understand the roots of their emotional challenges and make conscious choices to transform their lives.
  • Breaking Limiting Beliefs: Through compassionate exploration, individuals can challenge and reframe limiting beliefs, fostering a sense of empowerment and self-compassion.
  • Strengthening Resilience: Therapy fosters emotional resilience, enabling individuals to navigate life's challenges with greater ease and emotional stability.


In India, a growing number of mental health professionals have embraced Compassionate Inquiry Therapy and have become skilled practitioners. Trained in the CIT methodology, these practitioners offer a safe and supportive space for clients to explore their inner experiences. They guide individuals with empathy and compassion, empowering them to face emotional challenges and uncover the hidden aspects of themselves. Compassionate Inquiry Practitioners in India have witnessed profound transformations in their clients, supporting them on their journey of healing and self-discovery.

The CIT process typically involves a series of one-on-one sessions with a trained practitioner. These sessions may include mindfulness exercises, deep inquiry, and somatic awareness to help clients access and process their emotions and past experiences. The therapist supports clients in understanding and integrating their emotional patterns, providing tools and practices to continue their healing journey beyond therapy.

Compassionate Inquiry Therapy is a transformative approach to healing and self-discovery, empowering individuals to explore the depths of their emotional experiences with kindness and curiosity. In India, Compassionate Inquiry Practitioners play a pivotal role in guiding clients through this journey of profound transformation. Through CIT, individuals can heal emotional wounds, understand limiting beliefs, and cultivate greater self-awareness and resilience. As CIT continues to gain recognition, it offers a path of healing, empowerment, and self-discovery to those seeking profound transformation on their mental and emotional well-being journey in India.