Got a question? Ask away!

Q: How long is a session?
-A session is typically 60 minutes long. However, we can take a break at any point if we feel it is difficult to go on for the day. Or, if you need more time with us, you’re welcome to book back-to-back sessions too!
Q: How can I book a session?
-There are a lot of ways to book sessions! You could press the call button and get in touch. However, if you’d rather text, you could always drop us a message on either WhatsApp or even send an email.
Q: Do I need therapy?
-If you feel overwhelmed, consistently down, exhausted, hopeless, afraid about something you can’t put your finger on or simply feel numb, you may need therapy. Reasons for needing therapy go beyond this as well. So if you’ve come this far looking for help, it’s possible that you might want to reach out to someone. Either way, coming in for a session wouldn’t be as gloomy as one would picture. If you’re still unsure, just call/text/email! Sometimes, just speaking to someone else breaks the deadlock and makes things clearer.
Q: How can I trust my therapist to know what they’re doing?
-At Another Light, we believe that learning never stops. So even though your therapist has achieved their academic credentials, they constantly take part in training to keep up with industry best practices. Every therapist at Another Light has multiple levels of peer-review through an ecosystem of supervisors who ensure your counselor gets the best guidance on how to help you.
Q: What is trauma?
-Simply put, it is a response to distressing event/ experience which overwhelms us or makes us emotionally numb. The trauma systems are:
Trauma is the reason you’re probably averse to certain sounds, or have trouble speaking up for yourself. Trauma is the root cause, most of your mental health issues are manifestations of it. At Another Light, we specialize in identifying trauma and healing it as opposed to providing stop-gap solutions by only focusing on the symptoms of the trauma.
If you’ve ever been abused physically, sexually or emotionally, i.e., if you have feelings of never being good enough, feeling that you can never win an argument, having to seek approval/affection in a relationship etc, if you’re scared of someone, name-calling, etc, at any point of time, you have undergone trauma. We urge you to reach out at the earliest so that we are able to address it together.
Q: Is my information safe with you?
-Yes. Your therapist only shares your case information in terms of technical specifics and challenges with their supervisor, to learn how to help you better. No one apart from a qualified mental healthcare professional will know your case history. Not even your family (if you choose not to tell them), and especially not any authorities without your consent.
Q: Will you report me?
-No. Never.
Being reported is not something our clients — particularly those undergoing de-addiction therapy with us — have to worry about. Your therapist is focused on helping you. That’s the bottom line.
Q: Is therapy difficult?
-Yes. No. Yes, and no. There’s no simple way of answering this. The difficulty level of therapy is largely dependent on the issue you’re facing. At Another Light, we promise one thing: You’ll leave feeling lighter than you felt when you came in.
Q: I’m overwhelmed by coming for therapy alone. Can I bring a friend/family member?
-Yes. Though we’d prefer that you come in for a one-on-one, we understand that trying out therapy or a new therapist can seem scary. If you feel you can’t cope without a familiar face in the room, your friend/family member is welcome to join in for the first session.
Q: Can we talk even when my session is over?
-Yes. Your therapist is available to deal with any crisis you face when you’re away from them. However, due to professional commitments, there may be a time when they’re unable to converse with you beyond your sessions. If you feel you need companionship or simply someone to talk to, we are happy to put you in touch with the correct resources to help you become a member of a social group and achieve a more fulfilling personal life.
Q: I live really far away. Can you still be my therapist?
-Yes. You can always reach out to Another Light, from wherever you are. Though we advocate face-to-face sessions as being the best experience for both parties, we understand that it can be difficult to find a therapist you’re comfortable within your area. To help you overcome this, we can chart out a plan for you which includes monthly visits and regular video sessions. Additionally, we can help you transition to a professional closer to you.
Q: Does my therapist have a therapist?
-Yes. Everyone needs help, especially the ones who provide it. Having a therapist is quite like having a medical doctor or an accountant — everyone needs one for their life to function smoothly. Going to a therapist is more common than you’d think, and availing help when you need it is the kindest thing you can do for yourself.